Ragamoffyns purchases some designer handbags. We provide onsite professional authentication, pricing and payment.

Ragamoffyns takes our time to authenticate each piece we accept. All handbags have been authenticated by experts. We guarantee all items are authentic or your money back.
Ragamoffyns is an independent consignment boutique and is not associated or endorsed by the brands whose products we offer for sale.
We do not claim any rights to their copyright or trademark. All trademarks remain the property of their respective brand owners.
New items from designer brands are exclusively sold in their respective stores. When an item exits its brand store, it is classified as pre-owned.
My favorite place in Washington to consign clothing and designer items. There are so many options and amazing brands!
Gaeul K.
Such a cute shop. My daughter saw all kinds of cute clothes. I saw a lot of name brands like Chanel.
Rachel K.
I went to Ragamoffyn's in Kirkland and I was amazed by the selection of handbags, shoes, boots, dresses, shawls, clothes in general. Everything is displayed very nicely.
Rosemary F.
They said